Here is post of How to recover video data from the DVR.
For a long time I was going to write about the recovery video stream from the video device, simply recover video data or retrieve information from a DVR.
As a result of a system failure on the DVR hard drive happens to be formatted. The DVR had connectors for IDE drive interfaces on a sled and a slot for Compact Flash, which can reset the desired portion of the video. Recording was carried out simultaneously with eight cameras. The CF stores flash video in Quick Time format.
During the attempt to recover video data I revealed the following – a file system, as such, in the conventional sense of the word, has been detected on the disk. During a new disk initialization, the Registrar prescribes certain pieces of information on the entire surface of the disk at regular intervals. In these blocks contains information about your camcorder, the date and time of video. Following the control block is a data block. The size of the data blocks is a linear function of the size of the logical drive.
While hard drive formatting the information is not going away. In the process of formatting the disk recorder rewrites the information on “employment drive” on the control blocks. In fact, all you need to unformat HDD – roll back the changes it back letting to recover video data.
But there is a small underwater pebble – a blank disc from the point of view of the registrar is not just a kind of byte-flag, but a new information block. So personally, I could not get the video block to restore the ratio to the camera and the recording time information.
What helped was the fact that the blocks with the camera rotate evenly, and I have every eighth data block belong to one and the same chamber. Receive video from a single camera can thus be simply gluing pieces into one.